About hot runner india

Welcome to Hot Runner India

Welcome to HRI , purely Indian Hot Runner System manufactured By Satyam Engineering, the single largest indian Hot Runner manufacturer.We have expertise with all most all Engineering Plastics and General Plastics. HRI India provides the real price systems and spares, quick and prompt service support to its customers.Engineering Plastics, glass or mineral filled plastic material, high cavitation can moulded simple with us. HRI   is the only indian manufacturer of TungsteCarbide terpedos.We are the first and Only Indian manufacturer of Pre-Wired Hot runner systems.We have supplied Biggest Indian manufactured Hot Runner Manifold, with hot runner system.In automotive we do supply for materials like PA66 40% glass filled, ABS, PBT and PP talc filled materials

For Electric switch gears we have supplied HRI for material like Pom, Polyamide and PC,In packaging sector we have achieved our fastest 7secs cycle time with our HRI  for Soda bottle cap mould.We are the only manufacturer in globe supplying Opengate Single nozzle system for Pet Material for household segmentNot only we supply hot runner system but we do love to participate with complete project to share our global experience to get the best result.We do perform best for caps and closurs in packaging, thinwall moulding, and automotive open gate systems.We welcome to Indian moulding and mould making companies to convert cold runner moulds to Hot runner mould to save material wastage by runners, save manpower , to increase prouductivity, and to reduce Injection pressure for part filling
